Vive La France!

Traded Hungary for France this summer. Camping in the Vendée. Just like old times. One place in particular brings back sweet memories : Les Sables-d’Olonne. A gorgeous seaside town with a beautiful beach and charming center. Happy to pay it another visit after all those year. Creating new memories. 🙂

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Portsmouth, UK

During our last trip to the UK, we also had a quick visit to Portsmouth. A fourthy five minutes drive from Godalming where we staying. February meant it was still calm. Not everyone was on board immediately with the idea of having a walk. But that all changed after having a scavenger hunt at the Porthsmouth Cathedral. What a lovely afternoon it was!

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Postel Abbey

Just like last year we decided to start the year by spending a couple of days in Belgium, just across the border. By coincedence we passed the Postel Abbey on our way to the holiday house. People familiar with the Efteling will recognize this from the story behind Villa Volta. So we decided to come back the next day and have a look. We didn’t find any trace of Hugo but we did have a wonderful afternoon exploring the abbey and its surroundings.

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