27th of April! King’s day in The Netherlands. But this year we skipped the orange madness and went somewhere else. We decided to go to Mechelen. Only 1,5 hours drive away from us. Just across the Belgian border. So here’s yet another post about Belgium! 🙂

The city has 8 historical churches. The largest and most famous is the St. Rumbold’s Cathedral (Sint-Romboutskathedraal) with its dominating tower. Other churches that we saw were the Church of Our Lady-across-the-Dyle (Onze-Lieve-Vrouw-Over-De-Dijlekerk), the Church of St Catherine (Sint-Katelijnekerk) and the Beguinage Church (Begijnhofkerk). Unfortunately it was only possible to have a look inside the St. Rumbold’s Cathedral and the Church of St Catherine.

What else did we do? Visited De Beyaert town house. Had lunch on IJzerenleen. Checked out Het Anker Brewery, explored the Small and Large Beguinages and walked to the Haverwerf with the three famous houses (Little Paradise, The Little Devils and St Joseph). We ended the day by walking on the floating path on the river Dyle (Dijle) and had a quick look the Brussels Gate before going home again.
Below some more images from our day in Mechelen. All shot on the X-E4 with the 16mm f/2.8 attached. Both newly purchased. More on that, later on the blog. 🙂